About Me
undergrad RN
I'm a twenty-something Canadian student. After stumbling through a few years of college, I finally managed to get into the nursing school of my dreams, where I hope to graduate in 2012 with a nursing baccalaureate degree. I want to offer an honest look into how a modern nurse is educated, both good and bad. Eventually I hope to compare my education to my day-to-day career and see how it holds up. Whatever happens, it should be somewhat entertaining. Find me on allnurses.com!
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I (and every other blogger I know) have been getting a lot of email requests asking me advertise or repost things I do not care about or wish to endorse. I do not make any money off this blog - any endorsements I may make are strictly because I am personally pleased with the results.

I DO NOT and WILL NOT repost anything someone emails me. If I want to link to something, I will find it myself.

If you want to spread the word about something, make your own blog!

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fingers Crossed

Last week was nuts and I got a lot of things done.

I applied for 2 student nurse conferences that my school was sponsoring a student for - one is at the end of the month in Saskatchewan and the other is next June in Texas. The application to the Human Caring conference was tough, I had to write a 5 page academic paper on 'caring' the day after I finished that monstrous paper for my N370 class. I was tired and braindead but hopefully it is a success. Luckily, a lot of the books I had already borrowed for my class paper were also useful for the submission.

I also applied for scholarships from Skyscape and from my school.

Come on, student money! *crosses fingers* I also mentioned on my conference application that I would be interested in sharing the experience "on my blog".... *gasp* I have considered outing myself slightly in the interest of growing my nursing career.

New week, new opportunities? :)

Midterms next week!


GS said...

Ohhh good luck!!! Judging by the way you articulate your thoughts on your blog, I'm sure your paper was amazing! A student conference in Texas?? What's that all about? Sounds awesome! I wish we could do stuff like that. Particularly in the winter months :) I'd be super pumped if you shared your experience on your blog! I've waited a year and a half to see the lady behind the curtain! lol, I kid. Whatever you decide is great :) I'm crossing my fingers for your scholarships too!!

Robert said...


Why would anyone want to go to Texas?


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